phone 809-543-7731
Reenergy, Inc.

has developed four technologies over the course of 22 years and is a circular economy living evidence that complies with Environmental, Social and Governance principles


1 MW - Zero emission, ultra-low-cost power generator prototype available, advanced engineering expertise is required for final tests. This technology uses Over Balanced Wheel principles for achieving constant energy. It is easily scalable. 4.4 KW Generator has been tested at innovator’ house for more than 12 months in 2003. Other Generators have been tested empirically. Patents are required. .

icon STOVE

Type E-Stove: User with network access electricity network. It can be sold as a Kitchen appliance.Type B Stove: User with the electricity network limited supply (not 24 hours). The Stove has a battery pack included. Type P Stove: User without access to electricity network. They use this type of stove to replace charcoal, firewood or LPG. The Stove has a battery pack that gather the energy from one solar panel .


Ultra Fast Battery Charging Technology patented in United States of America in 2017. Its Solar Mobility project was finalist in 2012 Silicon Valley Clean Tech Open Competition. In 2022, actualized applications for Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCTs) and certified by known DR University. This technology modifies the way batteries are charged from 0%-100% in less than 10 min. It applies to all type of batteries, from serial parallel packs, combined cells to unit cells. Prototypes tested since 2007. Ready to be licensed.



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    Posted by : Alejandro

    National Innovation Policy 2030. The Government of the Dominican Republic, through the Innovation Cabinet, recognizes the efforts of REENERGY, INC. in creating technologies that have the potential to change the world.

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    Posted by : Osvaldo

    The Reverter ranked among 6 finalists in the global Clean Tech Open competition, in 2012. We obtained a patent from USG9800, 074B2 on October 24, 2017 and we have adapted and extensively tested the product for electrical motorcycles charging:

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  • GAS AH
    Posted by : Fernando

    This technology uses water to create Hydrogen. No need for storage facilities. It applies for all type of internal combustion engines, reduces CO2 emission to near zero, triples engine efficiency. DR Innovation Institute on Biotechnology and Industry reviewed and confirmed the technology. Patents are required.

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    Posted by : Alejandro

    pilot project, with a Dominican Republic NGO, Fundacion Dino Menicucci, will deliver 15 stoves to remote area, early 2023. Video available in English of the whole project.This project complies with 15 of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.

You can find us on Buena Vista 1, Zona Franca Villa Mella Nave #9, Santo Domingo North Dominican Republic.

Technology is important, but the only thing that really matters is what we do with it.

icon 1 Buenas Vista 1, Zona Franca Villa Mella Nave #9, Santo Domingo North, Dominican Republic

icon 2 (809)543-7731


De vez en cuando, una nueva tecnología, un antiguo problema y una gran idea se convierten en una innovación.

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